ARCH 655 | Project 2

An experimental study on Genetic algorithm performance for building form optimization 1- Summary The genetic algorithm using the Galapagos component of Grasshopper is used to find the optimized form of a building based on the total energy use. On the other hand, a large number of uniform-random cases are simulated, and among them, the best result based on the total energy use will be taken out. Then the two solutions, GA best solution, and uniform-random best solution are compared in terms of accuracy, time and number of iterations. 2- Project Introduction A genetic algorithm (GA) is a heuristic algorithm that is inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of natural evolution. This algorithm reflects the process of natural selection where the fittest individuals are selected for reproduction in order to produce offspring of the next generation. GA first, builds a population by random genomes. Then at the next step, it evaluates each result in t...